
Drawing test

...two posts in one day? I must be busy. : D

I've been playing around with python, pygame, and cairo (through pycairo) the last few days. I needed an environment to quickly prototype ideas (after discarding processing for various reasons). With the above mentioned combination I can quickly whip up interactive vector-graphic driven systems. The following video demonstrates a trivial algorithm for generating shapes that takes two parameters which are changed over time. It's nothing special but took a trivial amount of time to implement with my new toys. Something interesting to look out for are the emergent shapes and waves as the parameters are changed.


Mitchell said...

hey Ben, tell us about your reasons for not using Processing? it would seem to be the obvious choice for vector grfx...

eigenbom said...


I really haven't used Processing in any depth, but afaict its vector graphics routines are fairly primitive compared to devoted libraries like Cairo, Amanith or AGG.

I don't really want to go into a Processing rant, but when I delved into the source and discovered that their "Perlin noise" wasn't Perlin noise, it made me start looking elsewhere.

Python makes prototyping a lot easier due to the higher level constructs of the language, and I can plug in various other specific libraries (like Cairo) quite easily. When speed becomes an issue I can start replacing the critical components with optimised C modules.

The ability to generate applets is the only major advantage I can see when using Processing. (You can generate compiled python bytecode and wrap up executables quite easily but users have to leave their browser ;)).

Cheers mate.

Jon McCormack said...

Hi Ben,
Look, I am reading your blog.
Stop slagging off processing - I know you really like it :-)


eigenbom said...

It's great Jon. But not as great as hammering nails into my eyes...